Tuesday, April 28, 2009

We often get asked the question “Is your product NFPA 70e compliant or Arc Flash Rated?” While the question is simple the answer is not. The complexity of being electrically safe can not be boiled down to a yes or no answer. Examining the NFPA 70e not as a list of “do’s and don’ts” but rather as a list of sequential priorities is the key. Consider this analogy: Let's say you take your car in for a check-up and discover you have bad brakes and balding tires, but you only have the money to fix one, what would you do? Fix the greatest risk first? The same is true with electrical safety. In the world of NFPA 70e, everything starts with an arc flash study – without which you can only guess how best to protect yourself. Unless you understand how much potential energy is contained within an electrical enclsoure, you don't know how to be safe. It is important to remember that sooner or later, an electrican must be exposed to voltage to do his job.

Once you start down the road with NFPA 70e, then you get to decide if a certain procedure or product can make your NFPA 70e compliance easier. In the case of Grace Engineered Products, the NFPA principle is simple: Find as many ways to reduce voltage exposure as possible. This is what our products do. Instead of asking if our products are compliant a more precise question is, “Which part of the NFPA 70e do our products help address?”

Since there is no such thing as perfect compliance to any regulation one must be able to understand the foundational principles of NFPA 70e and begin to put in place a process that results in fewer injuries and more safety. That's where Grace comes in...

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