Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Back to Basics

There is a book called Bowling Alone: The Collapse and Revival of the American Community by Robert Putnam. It is a horrendously long book chalk full of statistics, but an interesting read nonetheless. The gist of his book is this: Before cars were common, people walked everywhere and when they did they ran into their neighbors and talked. Before television was common, people would sit on the front porch after dinner and when they did the neighbors would join them. Now, we drive by our neighbors and at most wave hello and no one is on the porch after dinner anymore because we are in our homes watching television or on the computer. Basically, the author puts forth the theory that technology has eroded human interaction, or what he calls social capital, and it is having a devastating effect on our communities.

As summer approaches and the uncertainty of the economy lingers, maybe you are like some of us and you’re looking for a less expensive version of your life. We thought it might be fun (and cheap) to take a cue from Robert Putnam. We've comprised a list of 25 things to do this summer that will help you save a buck while investing in your social capital. Just remember to add the words, “and invite your neighbors” to the end of each suggestion! Let us know how it works out!

1. Get a ball and play Spud with your kids!
2. Invite some friends over and have a pot-luck.
3. Get out a deck of cards or a board game.
4. Build a fire in the back yard and roast marshmallows.
5. Go hiking in a park.
6. Have water balloon fights (or squirt gun fights) with the kids.
7. Organize a scavenger hunt.
8. Go on a picnic.
9. Go to the library.
10. Check out a community calendar and attend free events.
11. Learn how to juggle (or teach someone).
12. Try a new recipe.
13. Play kickball with the neighborhood kids.
14. Start a compost bin.
15. Have a yard sale.
16. Make homemade greeting cards (Birthday, Christmas, etc)
17. Turn on the water sprinkler!
18. Start a book club.
19. Volunteer on a political campaign.
20. Go disc golfing.
21. Attend a free community class.
22. Do amateur star gazing.
23. Ride a bicycle.
24. Help some kids start a lemonade stand.
25. Sit on the porch after dinner.

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